
Using GitHub Hugo and Obsidian to build a Portfolio


A portfolio website showcases immediate value to employers because it provides a platform to demonstrate your skills, creativity, and achievements. By presenting your best work, you can show employers what you can bring to the table and how you can contribute to their organization. A portfolio website also shows that you are proactive and take pride in your work, which can be attractive to employers who are looking for self-motivated and passionate candidates. In a competitive job market, having a portfolio website can make you stand out from other candidates and give you an edge in the hiring process.


GitHub is a web-based platform for version control and collaborative software development that allows individuals and teams to host and review code, manage projects, and build software in a more organized and efficient way. In this case, we will be using GitHub as a place to save and build our website using Github Pages.

GitHub Pages is a free service offered by GitHub that allows users to host static websites and web applications directly from their GitHub repositories. It simplifies the process of publishing content on the web by automatically building and deploying your code changes to a web server, allowing others to access your site via a custom domain or a subdomain of the domain.

Create an Account

To create a GitHub account, first go to the GitHub website and click on the Sign up button in the upper right corner. You will be prompted to enter your email address, a username, and a password. Then click Create account. Next, verify your email address by following the instructions in the confirmation email that GitHub sends you. Finally, customize your profile and start using GitHub to create, store, and collaborate on code.

Create a Repository

To create a GitHub repository, first log in to your GitHub account and click on the + icon in the upper right corner, then select New repository. Next, choose a name for your repository (should be <username> and provide an optional description. Finally, set your repository to be public.


Hugo is a fast and flexible static site generation tool that allows you to create websites quickly and easily. It uses a simple and intuitive directory structure and provides a wide range of themes and templates to choose from, enabling you to create professional-looking websites with minimal effort.


The command sudo apt install -y hugo installs the Hugo static site generator on a Debian-based Linux system, while hugo version checks its version. We need to identify that we have the +extended version of Hugo as more advanced themes may require it.

sudo apt install -y hugo
hugo version | grep -i extended

Create the Site

The commands here create a new Hugo website named blog in the current directory, initializes a new Git repository in the blog directory, adds the Ananke theme from GitHub as a Git submodule, appends the line theme = 'ananke'" to the config.toml file, and creates a new directory named .github/workflows/ in the blog directory. The .github/workflows/ directory can be used to store GitHub Actions. The GitHub Actions automates the building and deployment of your site.

hugo new site blog
cd blog/
git init
git submodule add themes/ananke
echo "theme = 'ananke'" >> config.toml
mkdir -p .github/workflows/
wget -O .github/workflows/gh-pages.yml

Create a Post

Next, we create a new markdown file named using Hugo, and open it in Vim for editing. Although, you can use any editor you wish. Once completed, we change draft from true to false and add our markdown content.

hugo new posts/
vim content/posts/

Build and Test

The command hugo build generates a static website by compiling content into HTML and CSS files. Whereas, hugo server starts a local web server to preview changes made to the website before deployment.

hugo build
hugo server


Obsidian is a note-taking tool that allows users to create and organize their notes in a network of interconnected documents. It uses a Markdown-based text editor and allows for bidirectional linking, which enables users to quickly find and connect related information. Obsidian also has a graph view that visually displays the connections between notes, making it easier to explore and understand the relationships between ideas.


To install Obsidian, follow the instruction provided on their website here. If you are using a Debian based Linux distribution, you can use the commands provided below; just change the URL to the latest one from the website.

sudo apt install ./obsidian_1.1.9_amd64.deb

Writing your Blog

To more easily write content for your blog, you can open the folder of the website you created with Obsidian as a vault.


Once completed, create a new note by clicking on the New Note button in the top left corner. Next, give your note a title by typing it at the top of the note. Finally, write your content using Markdown syntax (a simple markup language). A cheatsheet for writing markdown can be found here.

Publishing your Work

Once completed, we can push our code to GitHub, which should begin the build process and serve your site to <username>

git add .
git commit -m "First Commit"
git push


In conclusion, building a portfolio website with Hugo and Obsidian is an excellent way to showcase your work to the world. With the flexibility of Hugo and the powerful note-taking capabilities of Obsidian, you can easily create a personalized website that perfectly represents your skills and accomplishments.

Using these tools, you can easily create a portfolio website that is not only beautiful and functional, but also easy to maintain and update. A portfolio website built with Hugo and Obsidian can help you showcase your work to potential clients or employers, and take your career to the next level.

So, if you’re looking for an easy and efficient way to build your own portfolio website, then Hugo and Obsidian are definitely worth considering. With a little bit of time and effort, you can create a stunning portfolio that truly represents who you are and what you do.
